
AUR87A attracts interest at renowned urological congresses

AUR87A attracts interest at renowned urological congresses
Nov 27, 2020

As evidence of the significance of the research endpoint proposed in AUR87A, and of the clinical relevance of the study, Elypta is proud to confirm that the study was recently highlighted at not one but two prestigious and high-profile urological congresses in November, namely EMUC2020 and IKCS 2020.

The 12th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers (EMUC) is an annual congress co-organized by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), the European Society for Radiology & Oncology (ESTRO) and the European Association of Urology (EAU). Organized this year as a virtual congress on 13-14 November 2020, the event brought together uro-oncology experts across Europe for a series of prominent urological and oncology-focused presentations and discussions. An abstract outlining AUR87A’s trial in progress results was accepted for inclusion at this respected congress and presented alongside a poster. Find the links to both below.

Also hosted this year as a virtual platform, on the 6-8 November 2020, the International Kidney Cancer Symposium (IKCS) was organized by the Kidney Cancer Association (KCA), an internationally known association that promotes scientific advances and seeks to be a source of education and resources for patients, caregivers, and anyone impacted by kidney cancer. The abstract, presented by the AUR87A Chief Principal Investigator on behalf of the study’s Principal Investigators and Steering Committee, reported on AUR87A’s trial in progress and was selected to be one of the 43 included at this year’s symposium. Both abstract and a poster were presented.

EMUC abstract:

EMUC poster:

Studies mentioned